Rezervor de lichid HR/HP/HT/HG
1. Rezervorul nostru de fluid HR/HP/HT/HG are performanțe bune de etanșare.
2. Rezervorul nostru de fluid HR/HP/HT/HG este rezistent la temperaturi și presiune ridicate.
3. Rezervorul nostru de fluid HR/HP/HT/HG adoptă materiale de înaltă calitate și tehnologie de producție avansată.
- Orașul Dandong, provincia Liaoning
- 1 lună
- 100 unitati/luna
- informație
Introduction of Fluid reservoir HR/HP/HT/HG:
Fluid pump seal Main function is to control mechanical seal`s temperature, improve its lubrication condition and control its working pressure in order to prevent from pollution and provide alarm when seal leakage happens. Fluid pump seal will build an ideal working environment for mechanical seal, improve reliability and safety of mechanical seal and prolong its life time.
Details of fluid reservoir for pump HR/HP/HT/HG:
1. HR Series fluid reservoir for pump Operating limits and descriptions
HR Series Fluid pump seal is according with API682, which can be used under pressured or non-pressured. External pressure or force source should be provided when pressured working. Fluid pump seal can be refilled under non-pressured condition or using booster to refill fluid. When mechanical seal shaft diameter is less than 60mm, choose HR5012 Series; when its shaft diameter is more than 60mm, choose HR5020 Series.
2. HP Series fluid reservoir for pump Operating limits and descriptions
HP Series Fluid pump seal is designed for supplying storage and keeping pressure for
buffer fluid or barrier fluid in API Plan 52 and API Plan 53A, which is plain end and welded design according to ANSI standard VIII part.
3. HT Series Fluid pump seal Operating limits and descriptions
HT Series Fluid pump seal is according with API610, which can be used under pressured or non-pressured. External pressure or force source should be provided when pressured working. Fluid pump seal can be refilled under non-pressured condition or using booster to refill fluid.
4. HG series fluid reservoir for pump Designing Features
● Standard design and accord with JB/T6630-1993, high pressure grade.
● All confined parts are welded with MIG processing technology and detection checking, tested under 8MPa water pressure.
● Heat exchanging and cooling with coils.
● Liquid level display for cooling buffer fluid sets window made of quartz crystal of temperature and pressure resistance Parameters
Application of Fluid reservoir HR/HP/HT/HG:
Fluid pump seal Applied to API Plan 52 or 53 pressured system, which mainly includes buffer fluid reservoir, mechanical seal, monitoring part, control part and pipes.
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